Our address: 1607 State Rd Building C, Vermilion, Ohio 44089 (just 2 minutes from Route 2).
Phone: (440) 967-DOGG (3644) (calls will be returned)
Directions: Canine Sports LLC is located directly behind Vineyard Square Plaza on the west side of State Route 60, Vermilion, Ohio
Directions from the East or West: Take Rt. 2 to Rt 60.
Head North on Rt 60 for 1/2 mile. Vineyard Square is on the left. Go between the buildings and we are located in the first building on the left (Building C)
Look at our facility below!
Our facility is completely double matted and is equipped with AKC regulation agility and obedience equipment. All Agility equipment has MAX200 rubber surfaces. There is plenty of parking right outside of the door! We have air conditioning!